History, Image and Sound Laboratory, managed by Prof. Júlia Silveira Matos, Phd. It seeks to implement, promote and make documents of a historical nature available, stimulating research in this area.
Oral History Laboratory, managed by Prof. Adriana Kivanski of Senna, PhD. The LHO is linked to the Historical Documentation Center (ICHI/FURG) - CDH - and seeks to implement, promote and make available oral documents, recorded and transcribed, stimulating research in this area.
Demographic History Laboratory, managed by Prof. Adriana kivanski from Senna, PhD, develops its activities with LHO. LAHDE is linked to the Historical Documentation Center (ICHI/FURG) - CDH - and seeks to implement, foster and make available documents and research related to demographic analysis, collective behaviors and demographic patterns from specific methods and techniques in addition to a conceptual theoretical framework.
Indigenous and Afro-Brazilian History Laboratory. LHIAB is linked to the Historical Documentation Center (ICHI/FURG) - CDH - and seeks to implement, foster and make available documents and research on Indigenous and Afro-Brazilian History, as well as to stimulate debates on current policies on Indigenous and Afro-Brazilian heritage in Brazil and region.
Heritage Education Laboratory, managed by Prof. Carmen Burgert Schiavon, PhD. LEP is linked to the Historical Documentation Center of the Institute of Human Sciences and Information of Federal University of Rio Grande (ICHI/FURG) and aims to provide schools from the city of Rio Grande (and region) a tool for critical reflection about their school curriculum and the insertion of the theme of Heritage Education in the school curricula of Elementary School and first years of High School; it also aims to promote appreciation of their cultural and environmental assets, from the specificities of culture and the regional natural environment.
History Teaching Laboratory, managed by Prof. Adriana K. de Senna, PhD, and Prof. Julia S. Matos, PhD. LABEHI, separate from CDH, is a sector linked to the History Advisory Committee of the Institute of Human Sciences and Information (ABEHI/FURG) and is configured as a space for research and production in the area of History Teaching.
Historical Documentation Center (CDH), managed by Prof. Carmen G. B. Schiavon, PhD, has a considerable collection of historical documents, such as the Coriolano Benício collection, journals, photographs and others; it offers restoration workshops and documentary preservation, it assists the course of Archivology as a learning space and also receives researchers.